![]() May 14, 2006 Liberals are Intellectually Dishonest By Jan A. Larson Due to the considerable feedback I received in response to my previous article, "Liberals are Insane," I've decided to continue my series of sweeping generalizations of liberals, today on how liberals are intellectually dishonest. The term "liberal" as used here includes the "progressives," communists and socialists, all lumped together. Those on the political left, that is the liberals, such as Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Howard Dean are intellectually dishonest, that is, they know better. Most of your everyday liberals are simply intellectually stupid. The 2004 presidential campaign was full of intellectual dishonesty and much of it continues today, in particular the notion that "Bush lied" about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Saddam Hussein had WMDs and used them, those are the facts, and every Western intelligence agency indicated that he had WMDs at the beginning of the war. With the (apparent) expectation that the U. S. military would simply stumble across huge stockpiles of WMD material in the middle of the desert not fulfilled, the only "logical" conclusion that liberals could come to was that "Bush lied." Liberals, proud of their ability to understand fine nuances that are over the heads of us common people, still can't see the difference between making a statement that later turns out to be wrong and intentionally making a statement that is untrue. "Bush went to war for oil" is another example of liberal "deep thinking" that is still being repeated. If the president wanted to go to war for oil, it certainly would have been a lot easier to invade Canada or, better yet, Mexico. It wouldn't take more than five minutes for the American military to take over the Mexican oil fields. Now with oil prices skyrocketing, the same brainiacs that claim the war was over oil are now crying that the president should do something about high oil prices. Liberals in Washington blamed the administration for the failures in intelligence that could have prevented the attacks of September 11. Today many of those same liberals are up in arms over the NSA wiretapping program that is, of course, designed to gather intelligence to prevent another attack. What would these two-faced hypocrites say if the U. S. was attacked again? That the administration didn't do enough to prevent the attacks, of course. Liberals say that they are the champions of free expression and free speech. Liberals want no restrictions on what may be broadcast on television and Hollywood liberals are constantly pushing the envelope of decency. On the other side of the coin (the intellectually dishonest side), there are speech codes and codes of conduct on college campuses across the country that are in direct violation of the First Amendment. These codes are designed, of course, to prevent liberals from being "offended" or "feeling threatened." When it comes to free expression, liberal college administrators welcome the Michael Moores and the Ward Churchills to their campuses to spew their own intellectually dishonest propaganda but ask a conservative such as Ann Coulter, to name one, how welcome they are on most campuses. Universities are the places where all viewpoints should be debated, not just those that don't offend someone. Liberals can't see it that way. A common trait of liberals is that when they can't make a logical argument to defend their position (and most liberal positions cannot be logically defended), they resort to attacking the person with the opposing view. When challenged with a logical argument, a liberal's response will invariably include the words "you are a(n)" followed by an obscenity. Any position that cannot be defended is, by definition, dishonest. Liberals hate so-called "big business" and deplore capitalism but yet cry like babies that there aren't enough "good jobs" that pay a "living wage." Liberals restrict land use in many areas of the country, the San Francisco Bay area is one example, preventing development and driving up real estate prices, but then decry the lack of "affordable" housing. Liberals always think they know what is best for others and liberal always want it "both ways." They want free speech, but not offensive speech. They want affordable housing but no development. They want cheap energy, but no oil drilling or refineries. They want national security but not at the expense of war. The fact is that no one knows what is best for anyone else and you just can't have it both ways. Every policy, program or action has a cost, like it or not. Liberals are intellectually dishonest because they are either delusional or just plain dumb. -- Send feedback to the author. The "What is the Deal?" column will appears weekly on the Pie of Knowledge website. Guest submissions are welcome and encouraged. To submit an article to "What is the Deal?" click here. 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