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May 7, 2006

Liberals are Insane

By Jan A. Larson

The liberal way of thinking is incompatible with the realities of the world.  Liberals will never solve problems and, in fact, will cause and perpetuate them because they cannot and do not understand how the world works.  This has been proven throughout history.

The liberal view is defined by what "should be" rather than "what is."  On the other hand, conservatives are pragmatic and accept that what is ... is.  That is, conservatives know the definition of "is" and can appreciate that while "should be" is a worthwhile goal, it can never be achieved given "what is."

This difference is clearly seen by the way liberals and conservatives would deal with sex offenders.  The liberal position is that molesting a child is no different than shoplifting.  This position maintains that once the sentence has been served, the perpetrator, having paid his or her debt to society, should be given a clean slate.

The problem is that the rate of recidivism among all criminals is greater than zero and for sex offenders it is much greater than zero.  That is what is.

When it comes to shoplifting, a repeat offender doesn't physically harm anyone so even if some do re-offend, there is no serious damage done.  However, this is not the case with sex offenders.  A re-offender destroys another life, namely that of his or her next victim.  Sex offenders must never be given a clean slate.  To do so simply denies what is.  Liberals would sacrifice another child than to accept that a sex offender is different than a shoplifter.

The war on terrorism completely confounds the liberal mind.  In the liberal (secular) view, no one will act irrationally based on a religious belief.  Liberals cannot rationalize why Islamic extremists would kill for no other reason than because their religious beliefs compel them to do so.

Liberals hold that terrorists kill because they want something or because we did something that makes them kill and if we only gave them something or stopped doing whatever it is that they don't like, they would be happy and stop killing.

What is reality is that Islamic terrorists would kill millions if they simply had the means to do so.  Negotiating or appeasing those whose position is non-negotiable and are willing to die for their cause is no different than negotiating with a great white shark.  While you talk, they kill you.

Liberals wailed against the NSA wiretapping program, defending their position in the name of protecting "civil liberties."  It does no good to have civil liberties if you're dead. 

The goal of the program is to prevent terrorist attacks that could kill hundreds or thousands of American citizens, which would, of course deny the dead of all of their civil liberties.  What is a fact is that would-be terrorists make international calls.

Liberals are also wrong on border security.  They say that illegal immigrants only come to work and seek better lives.  Some do, but the reality is that illegals also come to the United States to feed at the welfare trough and to engage in criminal activities.  One day, if nothing is done, terrorists will find their way across the southern border as well.

To think that America will continue along its merry way no matter how many poor people, criminals and terrorists stream across the border is nothing more than wishful thinking about what "should be," but not "what is."

Liberal thinking is timid thinking.  It denies the realities of the world and of human nature.  It is shallow and shortsighted.  Liberals are naïve and, if allowed to come to power are, frankly, dangerous.  History has proven liberal views to be wrong again and again.  Insanity is the belief that the same action will produce a different outcome.  Liberals are insane.

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