Gifts for all occasions in the Galleria! Subscribe to the "What is the Deal?" mailing list. The "What is the Deal?" Deal-of-the-Week: Portable Stereos as low as $9.99! May 30, 2004 What is the Deal with the Class of 2004? By Jan A. Larson It is that time of year when thousands of new high school graduates are freed from the shackles of academia, tossed overboard into the choppy seas of the real world and told to sink or swim. There was a time when most would swim, but in 2004, many will hit the water not knowing how to float, never mind knowing the Australian crawl. A high school diploma isn't worth much these days although no one should leave home without one. Unless a high school graduate has the opportunity to step into an established family business, he or she will be literally starting at the bottom of the economic and employment ladder. There aren't too many high paying jobs that offer exciting opportunities for leadership and career advancement available to high school graduates. High school graduates today undoubtedly feel good about themselves and most likely believe that they can change the world, but as the ocean of life slaps their faces as they struggle to keep their heads above water, it will become apparent that it takes more than a high level of self esteem to make it in the world. Fortunately for the high school graduate, no one is ever smarter or more knowledgeable of the ways of the world than they are at age 18. For any new graduates reading this essay, you know what I'm saying is true. Just look at your parents. How could two people be more clueless? A few years from now, you'll undoubtedly learn just how clueless they truly were when you were 18. Unless you are going off to college and committing yourself to four more years (at least) of schoolwork, the world of daily employment awaits. Can you think logically? Can you reason? Are you reliable? Do you know right from wrong? Will you do the things that your boss wants you to do without complaint? That's what employers expect. If these requirements are not consistent with your employment goals, feel free to seek that big career break elsewhere. If you are off to college, are you prepared? You won't be going to college with the same dumb kids that were your classmates in high school. They'll be working in fast food restaurants or doing manual labor for minimum wage. No, you'll be up against top students from around the country and around the world. Some students will find that the lure of freedom of a campus away from Mom and Dad too alluring and will be unable to muster the discipline to study. Others will find out that it isn't as easy to get A's and B's as it was last year. With more and more extremely intelligent and motivated graduates being produced in nations such as China and India, a college degree full of C's and D's isn't going to be such of an asset in four years when you are again facing the gang plank to the real world. The world is a harsh place and ultimately, you will have to navigate on your own. One day your parents will no longer support you, you will have to support them. Your friends won't carry you. They'll be too busy living their own lives to support freeloaders. Don't count on the government to hold your hand either. Government takes far more than it gives. Don't believe it? Well, all I can say is hear me now and believe me later. Hopefully you have worked hard and have prepared yourself for success because, in the end, life is what you make of it. Congratulations, graduate. Now go out there and show the world what you can do. -- Send feedback to the author. The "What is the Deal?" column will appears weekly on the Pie of Knowledge website. Guest submissions are welcome and encouraged. To submit an article to "What is the Deal?" click here. To subscribe to the "What is the Deal?" mailing list and receive early notification when a new column is available, click here. The Pie of Knowledge will never, ever divulge email addresses to any third party for any reason unless so ordered by a court of law. Contributions to the Pie of Knowledge are greatly appreciated. ![]()