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March 2, 2003

What is the deal with Toni Smith?

By Jan A. Larson

Toni Smith is a senior basketball player for Manhattanville College, a liberal arts school of 1400 undergraduates located in Purchase, New York.  She recently attracted media coverage by her practice of not facing the Stars and Stripes during the pre-game playing of the national anthem.

According to a recent Associated Press article on ESPN.com, Ms. Smith issued a statement explaining her thoughts on the practice:

"For some time now, the inequalities that are embedded into the American system have bothered me. As they are becoming progressively worse and it is clear that the government's priorities are not on bettering the quality of life for all of its people, but rather on expanding its own power, I cannot, in good conscience, salute the flag.''

Naturally there are many people outraged at her demonstration of disrespect for the flag.  In a recent game, a Vietnam veteran entered the court during a stoppage of play and held a flag in front of Ms. Smith and there have been “pro-flag” demonstrations at other Manhattanville games.

The flag wavers that are expressing such outrage might wish to stop for a minute and examine just what the flag represents.  It represents not only the right of each of us to stand and salute the flag but also the freedom to disagree with the majority and to publicly state that disagreement.  Our nation’s strength is derived from the fact that all voices may be heard and dissent is not punished.  It takes a lot of courage to stand true to one’s convictions in the manner of Ms. Smith.

That being said, I personally believe that Ms. Smith is misguided in her position.  She is enjoying the freedoms that many have given their lives for her to enjoy.  She is playing intercollegiate basketball and getting a college education.  Young women in Iraq, for example, do not enjoy such privileges, nor do they enjoy the right to speak out against their government.

For young people in college, it is easy to take an idealistic view of government and the world.  It is only when one steps into the real world does the complexity and reality of life become apparent.  I would encourage Ms. Smith to examine her position in a few years and, if she still believes that our government’s priorities are askew, I would encourage her to take the steps to facilitate change.  She might find that the ideals that have driven many to give their lives for this country will allow her to effect the changes she seeks.  Maybe then Toni Smith will be able to stand, proudly face the Stars and Stripes, sing the Star Spangled Banner and appreciate the opportunities that she’s been given that have cost so many so much.


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